No, ReFresh odour neutralisers aren't harmful to the environment.
ReFresh odour neutralisers are formulated from a blend of essential oils and other natural organic compounds.
In nature, plants and other vegetation produce essential oils with the natural ability to neutralise organic odour molecules. Corgin ReFresh products are based on this knowledge and enhance nature’s own deodorising process.
ReFresh odour neutralisers come in the following scents:
🌿 ReFresh Classic - scents of eucalyptus, geranium, pine and cinnamon
🍋 ReFresh Citrus - scents of orange, vanilla and black pepper
🧺 ReFresh Clean Linen - scents of jasmine, ylang ylang, geranium and orange
🌾 ReFresh New Mown Grass - scents of musk, orange and chamomile
Yes, ReFresh odour neutralisers do come pre-mixed.
If you already have an AtomisterAiro dust and odour suppression system, the ReFresh products can be used through the auto-dosing system.
To learn more about dilution ratios, visit the Corgin ecommerce store to see further information on the full ReFresh range.
1. Offensive odour molecules cause odour problems for as long as they remain airborne
2. Atomised micro-droplets are introduced into the odorous air
3. Ionic, electrostatic and gravitational forces, correct micro-droplet size and targeted treatment all increase the number of collisions between odour molecules and neutraliser droplets
4. Surface-active agents allow rapid absorption of odour molecules into the micro-droplets
5. Odour is solubilised and encapsulated in the surfactant matrix contained in the neutraliser
6. Odour neutralisation, pH balancing and bacteriostasis can all take place in the droplet, depending on the ReFresh product selected
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