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Supporting World Cancer Day with Corgin [Video]

At Corgin, we are committed to making a difference in our community. This World Cancer Day, on February 4th, we are proud to support MacMillan Cancer...

2025 Offsite Strategy Day

To kick off 2025 with a fresh perspective, our company hosted an invigorating offsite strategy day, setting the stage for an exciting year ahead.

Starting the Year with A Clear Strategy [Video]

As another excellent year gets underway, it's important to step back and take a look at how far we've come and refocus our minds on the goal ahead of...

We're Not Exactly Landing a Man on The Moon, But We Can Still Have a Great Mission!

With an ever-growing suggestion box, full of new ideas from the team here at Corgin, there are times when you need to take a hard decision to run...

Drilling Down Into the Best Dust Control

Corgin engineers recently completed training on the safe use of hand tools and learnt about recent technological advancements such setting the torque...

Confined Space Training for our Engineers

Training is always a high priority here at Corgin.

Proud to Be Part of Such a Dynamic and Positive Team

Our product range and customer base continue to grow but that doesn't mean our service is in any way diminishing. So, at the start of the year Jerry...

A Vision Without a Strategy Remains an Illusion

Corgin staff spent their first day back this year at The Chase Golf Club - not for a relaxing round of golf, but rather for an exhilarating offsite...

Celebrating the Successes of 2018

To say 2018 was a success would be an understatement! The team at Corgin have achieved what we previously doubted was possible, and it wouldn't have...

19 Memories from The Past 1268 Days

As another year draws to a close our minds ponder over the building blocks that have created the exceptional team that we are now.

Financial Growth

Laura Stacey only joined the team full-time in August, yet already by mid-October there is little about the Finance Department she doesn’t know! She...

Hillhead 2018 [Video]

If nothing else, Hillhead 2018 will be remembered for its cloudless skies, unbroken sunshine, and high temperatures—surely the best weather the...

Taking Lean to the Next Level

There is a constant drive here at Corgin to improve our procedures, processes and products. Any slight issue is immediately seen as an opportunity...

End of Year Surprise

Most companies have an end of year do… the obligatory Christmas menu at a local venue, no fuss, just book and go. A nice thank you at the end of the...

How would you describe 2017? "Exciting, Productive, Awesome, Fantastic, Busy, Fun, Enjoyable..!"

2017 has been an excellent year in many ways for us here at Corgin.  Here's what some of the Corgin Team said:

Corgin have a blast on Fire Extinguisher Training Day

Always looking to boost our employees' capabilities, we recently arranged professional, hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training for Corgin staff at our...

Peter is 'Braving the Shave' in support of Douglas Macmillan Hospice

Many of our customers will know Peter Hordell, one of our most experienced and senior engineers. His high level of dedication and commitment to his...

John Has Smashed His Fundraising Target

Last month John Needham committed himself to cycling 300 miles in view of raising £300 for Cancer Research.

Investing in Your Care

Marissa joined Corgin in August 2017, having emerged from her secondary and tertiary education with 10 GCSEs, 3 A-Levels and an ISMM Sales &...

Keeping Operations Running

Bonnie Hutchins joined the Corgin Team in July 2017 as Operations Assistant, taking over many of Cheryl Bricknell’s responsibilities after she left...