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DustLess Dust Suppression For Haul Roads [VIDEO]

HSE Launches Nationwide 'Dust Kills' Campaign to Target Construction Workers' Lung Health

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety, has launched a 'Dust Kills' campaign to raise...

Dust Suppression at Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day 2022

On Wednesday 23rd November, Corgin attended Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day in Cambridgeshire. The purpose of the event was to bring...

Helping to Reduce Chronic Coughing And Equine Asthma in Racehorses [Video]

Recycled carpet has become increasingly popular for racehorse gallops and riding arenas due to its superior cushioning effect. However, dust is an...

Talk to the Corgin Team at Hillhead Digital 2021

Well, no one can deny that we're in tough times, and we all know that in tough times, it helps to talk.

Long-Term Dust Control on Quarry Haul Road [Video]

The video below captures the success of our DustLess product, which provides long-term control of dust from vehicle movements with a single...

Hillhead 2018 [Video]

If nothing else, Hillhead 2018 will be remembered for its cloudless skies, unbroken sunshine, and high temperatures—surely the best weather the...

See us for dust at Hillhead ’18!

The eagerly-anticipated Hillhead Exhibition is only just over 3 weeks away! Corgin’s enthusiastic team will be present in force, around the demo...