
Corgin have a blast on Fire Extinguisher Training Day

Posted by John Needham on Wednesday 13 December 2017
John Needham

Always looking to boost our employees' capabilities, we recently arranged professional, hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training for Corgin staff at our Stafford premises.

Fire safety is a really important issue for every person and every business. We all know the signal red extinguishers that are dotted around the workplace, but how many of us actually know how to use them correctly? Whilst extinguishers are there for our safety, they can be dangerous if misused.

Knowing the right extinguisher for the type of fire, and how to use it, could be vital in an emergency - and could mean the difference between disaster and getting control of the fire before it escalates, allowing personnel to exit safely.

The Fire Extinguisher Supply Company from Stoke-on-Trent kindly facilitated the training, and provided a number of different extinguishers for us to discharge at an imaginary fire in our yard. Everyone gave it a go - it was great fun!

Linden, our trainer, guided us on how to use the extinguishers and gave us insight into when to use what for different types of fires. He also shared many fire safety tips - helping us all to think about fire risk both at work and at home. Everyone found the training interesting and valuable, and great fun besides. Many thanks to the Fire Extinguisher Supply Company, and well done to everyone for participating!