
DustLess Dust Suppression For Haul Roads [VIDEO]

DustLayer Dust Suppression For Loading and Unloading [VIDEO]

MistCannon Ranger Dust Suppression for Crushing and Screening [VIDEO]

Supporting World Cancer Day with Corgin [Video]

At Corgin, we are committed to making a difference in our community. This World Cancer Day, on February 4th, we are proud to support MacMillan Cancer...

2025 Offsite Strategy Day

To kick off 2025 with a fresh perspective, our company hosted an invigorating offsite strategy day, setting the stage for an exciting year ahead.

Corgin Enhance Wastewater Aeration for Severn Trent [Case Study Video]

Severn Trent has teamed up with Corgin to install new Spiral Aerators, effectively addressing low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels and high maintenance...

MistCannon Rovers Provide Dust Suppression for HS2 Tunnel Breakthrough [Video]

On Tuesday 27th February, HS2’s Tunnel Boring Machine named Florence achieved an historic breakthrough near South Heath, Buckinghamshire. After an...

HSE Launches Nationwide 'Dust Kills' Campaign to Target Construction Workers' Lung Health

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety, has launched a 'Dust Kills' campaign to raise...

Dust Suppression at Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day 2022

On Wednesday 23rd November, Corgin attended Network Rail's Works Delivery Innovation Day in Cambridgeshire. The purpose of the event was to bring...

Showcasing Dust Suppression at the ClayTech UK 2022 Event

On Thursday 24th November, Corgin attended the ClayTech UK 2022 Event in Nottinghamshire. This event focuses on those involved in handling clay in...

Helping to Reduce Chronic Coughing And Equine Asthma in Racehorses [Video]

Recycled carpet has become increasingly popular for racehorse gallops and riding arenas due to its superior cushioning effect. However, dust is an...

Starting the Year with A Clear Strategy [Video]

As another excellent year gets underway, it's important to step back and take a look at how far we've come and refocus our minds on the goal ahead of...

Talk to the Corgin Team at Hillhead Digital 2021

Well, no one can deny that we're in tough times, and we all know that in tough times, it helps to talk.

Know in 10 Seconds Whether or Not It Will Freeze Tonight!

Now in its fourth year, Corgin’s FrostAlert subscription service has been relaunched for the coming winter season and will now run with daily updates...

To Our Customers: Thank You

We add our thanks to all the UK’s health and social care workers for their sacrifice in helping to save lives at this time. However we also want to...

SaniSprayer - Mobile Spray Equipment for Large-Scale Disinfection [Video]

The SaniSprayer is a mobile sanitising unit derived from our popular DustLayer mobile dust suppression unit. It was developed during the coronavirus...

COVID-19: Important Company Announcement

We would like to reassure all our clients that Corgin is still fully operational, whilst observing the current COVID-19 restrictions.

We have moved!

Yes, it’s a shiny New Year, and shiny new premises for Corgin! We are pleased to announce our new trading address, as follows:

FrostAlert Is Back for 2019/20!

It’s that time of year again, when you find yourself having to dig in the hall cupboard for those woollies, or searching out that elusive...

A Sneak Preview of Our New Online Store! [Video]

We've got some exciting news for you...!