Peter Hordell
Installation & Maintenance Engineer

Peter Hordell

Installation & Maintenance Engineer

When did you join Corgin?

April 22nd 2014.

What's one thing about your job at Corgin that motivates you?

My efforts, example and achievements may help others fulfil their potential.

What's a book/methodology/piece of advice that has influenced your approach to work?

My first boss taught me that it's better to turn up every day on time and do your best than to turn up when you want to, even if you are the best.

What's your favourite team tradition or team-building activity at Corgin?

The year-opening Strategy Days.

Which company value resonates with you the most, and why?

Focusing on solutions.
Fulfilling an installation/service/callout is its own reward.

What would be your dream job?

World leader.
As I clearly know best.


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